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Kyrgyzstan Chronicles: Trekking in Karakol Altyn Arashan

Updated: May 13

Kyrgyzstan, a landlocked gem nestled in Central Asia, is a destination that boasts stunning landscapes, warm hospitality, and captivating experiences. One of the highlights of my travels to this beautiful country was trekking in Karakol Altyn Arashan, an adventure that unfolded over three separate trips. Each visit held unique surprises, and the charm of Kyrgyzstan compelled me to keep returning for more.

First Trip: Exploring the Outskirts of Bishkek

My first visit to Kyrgyzstan was a brief city exploration with an eye on the city's outskirts. I was immediately struck by the friendliness of the locals and the dedication of the guards protecting the monument square. Their loyalty was heartwarming and set the tone for my future journeys. I remember randomly meeting a group of local teenager and we end up swimming in hot spring on a cold snowy weather!

Second Trip: Unexpected Change of Plans

On my second trip, I had intended to cross into Kazakhstan, but a visa hiccup redirected my journey. Instead of feeling disheartened, I chose to stay in Kyrgyzstan and explore its wonders. The Fairy Tale Canyon and the mesmerizing Issykul Lake left me in awe. An invitation to dinner from a loving local family, whom I met during a tour, allowed me to witness the warmth and hospitality that Kyrgyz people are known for.

Third Trip: A Return to Familiar Faces and New Adventures

My third visit to Kyrgyzstan was intentional. I yearned to meet the family I had connected with during my second trip and reunite with the friends I had made along the way. This time, I felt confident about navigating the border with Kazakhstan, making the journey more convenient.

The Highlight of my 3rd Trip: Trekking to Karakol Altyn Arashan: A Solo Adventure

July 27th marked the day I embarked on a solo trek to Karakol Altyn Arashan. My journey began with a bus ride from the city to the small town of Karakol, which took approximately

six hours. In the evening, I had the pleasure of meeting a lovely young couple who kindly invited me for dinner. As a gesture of gratitude, I created a portrait of the young woman, a token of appreciation that transcended language barriers.

The next morning, I was up early, preparing for a day of adventure. I initially hired a car to take me to the trek's starting point, and from there, the real journey commenced. After about 45 minutes of walking, I had the pleasure of meeting another delightful couple who decided to accompany me on this trek. Our shared experience led to an impromptu photo and video session, capturing the beauty of the landscape and our camaraderie.

As we continued our trek, the scenic beauty was so captivating that fatigue was a foreign concept. Along the way, we encountered another group of travelers, all from Dubai. Given that I was trekking alone, they kindly welcomed me into their company, and we journeyed together until we reached our destination – the campsite.

The final leg of the trek held a delightful surprise: a natural hot spring. The sense of accomplishment, coupled with the serenity of the natural spring, was the perfect reward for this adventure. What made the experience even more satisfying was that I hadn't relied on tour operators, saving a considerable amount of money. I did, however, share a portion of it with a young local boy who helped guide me to the hot springs.

Trekking in Karakol Altyn Arashan not only showcased Kyrgyzstan's breathtaking landscapes but also exemplified the warmth of its people.

If you're contemplating hiring a seasoned guide for your Altyn Arashan hike in Kyrgyzstan, I recommend exploring the following platforms. They offer discounted rates and flexible booking options:, viator, and

The unexpected encounters and spontaneous friendships made each trip a treasure trove of memories. Kyrgyzstan, with its natural beauty and the genuine kindness of its people, has etched a special place in my heart. As I left, I knew this wouldn't be my last visit to this extraordinary country.


I'm a Wanderlust Artist, Dubai Caricature Artist, Fashion Illustrator, Web Developer, Graphic Artist, Painter and Live Art Stage Performer.  Combining my love for art with my passion for travel. I love exploring new places, meeting new people, and discovering the beauty of the world. Follow my blog to stay up to date with my latest adventures.


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